Awareness of Now

What encourages your pause?

Attuning to the Present Continuum of Changes, with practice

Dawn to dusk, inhalation through exhalation, winter melting to spring, a blink of an eye — change imbibes every aspect of life ever unfolding. Attuning to the present moment (for many), has become a challenge rather than an everyday occurrence. With the quickening pace of daily life, we may go the entire day feeling hurried, rushed, or distracted and disconnected, ever called by what comes next, what we must “do.” This is necessity at times. Or is it?

How do you invite pause, presence, and awareness into daily life? Perhaps the classic “stop and smell the roses” has a scoop of embedded wisdom? On that wavelength: the sound of a waterfall, art, poetry, music, a blooming garden, the aroma of a delicious meal, or smile of a loved one, are reason enough to slow and savor, rather than gulp and go — a short list reflective of the innumerable threads within the colorful tapestry we call life. Here now, available, in the present.

A dear friend gifted me a Book of Blessings called To Bless the Space Between Us by John O Donahue, when we opened JoyWheel Yoga & Wellness in 2013. This little book of verses has been a mainstay ever since. The words like a balm for myself, my family, friends, classes, students, clients — each poem shared like a pebble upon the water, ripples expanding ever outward. Thank you Kami and John.

For Presence

Awaken to the mystery of being here
and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence

Have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.

Receive encouragement when new frontiers beckon.

Respond to the call of your gift and the courage to follow its path.

Let the flame of anger free you of all falsity.

May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame.

May anxiety never linger about you.

May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul.

Take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.

Be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.

May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.

~ John O Donohue